Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Choosing the Right POS System for Your Business

When it comes to running a business, choosing the right point of sale system is a crucial step in making sure that your business runs smoothly. In fact; just like you probably would conduct a thorough interview process in order to decide which employees you are going to take on, making an informed decision on which POS solution is right for you is an important building block toward the success of any retail establishment or restaurant.

So, where does one start when it comes choosing the right POS system? Well, first off, regardless of the fact that there are so many different types of POS software out there to choose from, rest assured that they are all usually designed with some sort of business in mind, making it so that your decision will first be narrowed down by what type of business you are operating. For instance; if you have a restaurant or bar, then you probably already know that there are specialized POS systems that are designed specifically to work with restaurants. On the other hand, if you operate a retail outlet, none of these systems would be for you.

Knowing this, it's now time for you to look at all the options available to you from within your business's sub-category. Unfortunately, at first glance this can sometimes end up seeming a somewhat overwhelming proposition, for there are literally HUNDREDS of different types of POS systems out there! For this reason, before you even begin comparing different systems, the best place to start is by figuring out just what you expect out of your future POS system in the first place. In fact, it can often be advisable to write down a list of the sort of things that you feel that your business could gain from using POS software, in order to ensure that your expectations are clear.

Doing this can often bring about some important questions for you to consider about your business. An example of this would be deciding if you ever want to start a membership discount program for your store, which would of course require the ability to vary the pricing of all, or indeed just some, of the items that you sell. Are you going to have multiple points of sale within you store? If this is the case, then you will have to make sure that your POS system can take care of that as well. If you own a restaurant, you may want to ask yourself if you want, or indeed expect, your POS system to communicate all food orders between your waitstaff and the kitchen, or is your restaurant going to be small enough that this won't be necessary?

Lastly, the most important tip we here at Canada Point of Sale Central can think of when it comes to choosing a POS solution is to make sure, regardless of whatever POS software you choose, that it will be the most compatible solution across all the different areas of your business. After all, the whole point of POS and inventory control systems in the first place is to make it so that all the myriad elements that go into making a sale are joined together in a simple, cohesive way. So, above all else, make sure that whatever POS system you choose is going to be compatible with any other software you currently use (if it is not indeed going to replace it!). And, just like you want to be able to fully integrate all your different digital systems, you are going to probably also want to choose one company for all your POS needs, so that everything comes from the same source. Trust us; this can prove extremely vital down the road, especially if you end up wanting to upgrade or find yourself in need of customer service for more than one of your POS system's components.

So, there you have it; once you have established what you are looking for in your POS software, it will be much easier to decide which type to choose. And, getting all of these ideas straight can help you not only understand more clearly exactly how you do business, but can also help you to envision where your business might be heading in the near future.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Modern Miracle of POS Software

If you own or manage a retail business, you know all about the extensive amount of minutia that goes on behind each and every sale that you make. Indeed, when it comes to getting your products into the hands of your customers, accurate and precise point of sale and inventory control systems are vital to almost all aspects of running a modern retail business; from knowing what you have stocked on your shelves to what you need to order, and also, of course, what you've successfully sold!

Unfortunately, before we as retailers were lucky enough to enter this modern, computerized new era, we were usually forced to keep track of the flow of our products armed with nothing more than a heck of a lot of paperwork. In fact, in order to insure that everything ran smoothly we had to be constantly vigilant, physically dotting the i's on every daily sales sheet and crossing every t when it came to keeping track of our inventory. And, as the old expression goes, "to err is human", so no matter how careful and exact retail owners and managers like us would try to be with controlling the flow of our products, we nonetheless often faced problems with mistakes and inaccuracies when it came to the management of our merchandise.

However, thanks to the wonderful world of POS and inventory control software, us modern retailers are now in a position to easily and efficiently keep track of every aspect of our business, from sales to employee hours. By using computers and scanners instead of just pencil-pushing and elbow grease, modern day businesses of all sizes can enjoy a more fully automatic and thoroughly comprehensive product control system than ever before! From the moment an item is added to a business's inventory to the moment it leaves in the hand of a satisfied customer, said item can now be tracked automatically, insuring that there are no mistakes when it comes to what a business has in stock and what has indeed been sold.

But this is just the start of what POS software can do for you. After all, while POS software obviously allows the modern retailer to know more accurately what their overall profit margins are, it can also enable them to analyze what the profit margins are for each individual item, or type of item, that they sell as well! This is due to the fact that when all your profit-making statistics are kept track of by a computer program, as opposed to simply doing so by hand, all the data that is collected can be viewed and analyzed in a variety of different ways, from spread sheets to easy-to-comprehend graphs and charts, allowing the retailer to know exactly which items are generating the most revenue for their business.

And, in addition to all of this, with more advanced levels of information management comes the ability for retailers to more easily, and thus more often, get exact data concerning which products are being sold to what type of customer. By using techniques like membership cards, or tracking the purchases of customers using their credit card account, retailers can find out more than they ever could before concerning the purchasing habits of their customers, and this can help with everything from knowing how to arrange items in the store to deciding what the store should be stocking in the first place.

When it comes down to it, the using of POS software can hold so many advantages for every type of retailer that they are obviously too numerous to all be listed in this one post! But don't worry, over the coming months we will be getting into more examples of how modern, fully electronic POS and inventory control systems can make your life as a retailer easier, and your sales strategies more informed and effective as well.

So, until then, as always; Happy Retailing!
